Are we the Best Fit for you? Maybe...

We know we’re not the best fit for everyone. Surprising to hear us admit that I know.  So here’s a little more about who and how we can help.

We know what you want. And we're committed to helping you get it.

How we can help you

You want results. You just want to make more sales and earn more profit predictably.

You also want to know that when you spend money on marketing you’ll earn more than you spent and be profitable.

And depending on what type of business you have you do that by either…

  • getting more and better quality leads or… 
  • increasing sales conversion rate and quality traffic to your eCommerce site.  

That’s exactly what we help you do.

it's all about rOI

Bottom Line, It's About Profit

Your bottom line is our bottom line and that is, you want to profitably acquire customers or clients in a predictable way and grow your business and profits. 

Makes sense to us.  You see, we got our start by growing our own companies…not selling websites or marketing.  But more on that later.

See, we’re pretty sure that most business or practice owners like you just want to create and install proven systems that will predictably deliver quality new customers or clients to you who are pre-determined to do business with you.

And that’s exactly what we offer…

An organized, disciplined, well-thought-out approach to your website and digital marketing.  

DFY or DWY...The Choice is yours

Ways We Can Work Together


Done With You (DWY)

Our done with you programs offer you the ability to have your cake and eat it too...namely you'll get the experienced strategy, vision, templates and scripts that work with the pricing and affordability of a junior hire. All while building your training library. It's not coaching. It's not consulting. And it's not expensive... It's invaluable.


Done For You (DFY)

Our flagship offering for years. Tell us about your business and if we're a fit, we'll develop the process, offers, systems, ads and pages to generate quality leads or increase eCommerce conversion rates. All you have to do it meet with the leads and close them or make sure you can supply the demand in your eCommerce inventory and supplies.



You might not be ready for done with you just yet, so you need a done for you service until you can hire, scale and grow. With our combination approach we will begin our relationship with a done for you model that produces the cashflow and time for you to hire and grow. Heck we'll even give you our best tips on hiring and keeping great people. Then we move into DWY.

Who we're for...

You'll Love Working with surePath if...

So it might surprise you to hear us tell you that we’re not for everyone like some of the other guys do.  We think transparency builds trust and we’re into that.

  • You're able to handle more new business/sales...lots of it.
  • You have an established business with a great product or service that actually helps people.
  • You're coachable and willing to try new things to grow.
  • You want to learn as you grow.
And...who might not love us...

You probably WON'T love surePath if...

We’ve been doing this a long time.  So we know who won’t probably dig us and vice versa.  So no need to apply if any of the following apply…

  • You aren't coachable or won't try new things
  • You aren't interested in truly serving your customers needs and giving away free help to them in your marketing
  • You have no interest in differentiating from your competition in any way
  • You aren't willing to test things to improve your results
  • You are just starting out or haven't sold anything yet
  • You love money and use people instead of loving people and using money